06 June 2010

I've made a Twitter account!

I've decided to make a twitter account to post news that I find from around the internet on Video Games, Technology & Gadgets.
I decided to do this because sometimes its a long procedure to post and explain minor news on this blog, Henceforth for minor news I will be using Twitter, although for major news I will instead be using this blog.
Follow me on Twitter for up to the minute news: http://twitter.com/GamerGuy786

Killzone 3 Announced!

Sorry for the recent lack of news guys, I was on vacation for a month.
Anyway theres been some suprising news, Killzone 3 has already been announced by Sony!
Theres a teaser trailer thats also been released alongside Killzone 3 thats features the main protagonist from Killzone 2, Sev, putting on a helghast mask.
This highly hints that during the story at some point you will be able to play as the helghast.
Apparently its also rumoured that the trailer is made up using the in-game engine, i'm really looking forward to some HD gameplay footage of this game now!
Killzone 3 is due out on the PS3 sometime in 2011.

Credits to VisoGames for the video.