19 June 2011

Back from a long hiatus! Facebook 'Like' page active

Hey guys!
I'm back from a very long hiatus, really apologise for my absence.
I'm looking to be more mainstream now, I've created a Facebook 'Like' page for all my fans that use Facebook.

Also, follow me on Twitter for up to the minute news: http://twitter.com/GamerGuy786

06 June 2010

I've made a Twitter account!

I've decided to make a twitter account to post news that I find from around the internet on Video Games, Technology & Gadgets.
I decided to do this because sometimes its a long procedure to post and explain minor news on this blog, Henceforth for minor news I will be using Twitter, although for major news I will instead be using this blog.
Follow me on Twitter for up to the minute news: http://twitter.com/GamerGuy786

Killzone 3 Announced!

Sorry for the recent lack of news guys, I was on vacation for a month.
Anyway theres been some suprising news, Killzone 3 has already been announced by Sony!
Theres a teaser trailer thats also been released alongside Killzone 3 thats features the main protagonist from Killzone 2, Sev, putting on a helghast mask.
This highly hints that during the story at some point you will be able to play as the helghast.
Apparently its also rumoured that the trailer is made up using the in-game engine, i'm really looking forward to some HD gameplay footage of this game now!
Killzone 3 is due out on the PS3 sometime in 2011.

Credits to VisoGames for the video.

15 May 2010

LittleBigPlanet 2 Announced, With Trailer & Boxart!

LittleBigPlanet 2 has just been announced alongside a trailer and the boxart for the upcoming PS3 Game. LittleBigPlanet 2 will feature much more customisation then its predecessor, it will also allow more game mechanics, such as racing, space invader-type shooting & many more!
All levels created by users in the first LittleBigPlanet will all be kept and playable in LittleBigPlanet 2, along with the improved graphics. The trailer and boxart can also be seen below.
As of yet there is no release date announced, but be sure to keep checking back to this blog to find up-to-date information on LittleBigPlanet 2 & many other games.

Credits to MediaMolecule for the video.

12 May 2010

Gears Of War 3 Game Informer Scans, Mech Suits Confirmed!

Game Informer has released an issue, mainly centred around Gears Of War 3, this includes over 8 pages of information, and numereous screenshots. The screenshots also detail the mechsuits that can be worn, however there no mention of underwater combat. Although, some really nice gameplay shots were also included, the scans of all eight pages including the screenshots can be seen below.
Gears Of War 3 is set to be released April 5, 2011 in North America and Asia, April 7 in Japan, and April 8 in Europe and the rest of the world.
Click the images to see the full size.

Credits To Karma2578 from the GameTrailers.com forums for the scans.

06 May 2010

Street Fighter: Legacy Has Been Released!

Credits To StreetfighterLegacy For The Video.

The short film, created with a small budget and small-name hollywood stars, is very well made and is actually briliant, the downside is it's way too short. I expected this short film to be aroudn half an hour at least, being very dissapointed with only three minutes. I even misinterpreted this to be an extended trailer of the films opening, as it's so short I am truely dissapointed although I have to say it's very well made and the effects and fighting are phenomenal.

05 May 2010

New Street Fighter Movie On The Way!

Credits to Aggrogamer for the video.

A bit off-topic, but recent news as been slow, so a new Street Fighter short movies being released. With small name hollywood stars and a small budget, this Street Fighter movie actually looks suprisingly amazing!
Far better then any previous releases, as this one follows the games plot closely, and was also made specifically for the fans. Two trailers have been released revealing Ryu & Ken, although a picture of Akuma has also been released, meaning we can look forward to seeing him make an appearance.

The following statement was released from the creator of the film:
As an actor, film maker and a fan, I have been repeatedly disappointed by the many diluted, un faithful and outright butchered movie adaptations of fighting video games. It was clear to me, that given the way the movie industry worked, we would never see a super faithful, darker toned and more adult themed (or just plain good!) incarnation of Street fighter unless a die-hard fan director or film-making team with the game canon knowledge, film making know how and connections stepped up to the plate to helm such a project.
So almost a year ago, I began writing treatments and a production design brief and partnered with Streetlight films before proposing my concept and vision to Capcom. I'm pleased to say they gave their blessing and permission for the project to move forward.

Street Fighter: Legends is due to be released this thursday, check the following website to see the film once it's released: http://www.joeyansah.com/